Data is the most valuable commodity that a business can have today but managing that data can be a struggle and that is why tick9 is here to help you make sense of it.
We’ve partnered with Cyferd, who share our data-centric approach to digital transformation.

With the Cyferd Platform, your data is at the core, stored on a unified layer, providing a single source of truth for all applications. Eliminating data duplication and banishing data silos. Just the right data available to the right people at the right time.

At the heart of Cyferd’s capabilities is its Neural Genesis AI suite, a powerful tool that harnesses five types of artificial intelligence. These AI capabilities optimise processes, boost efficiency, and empower businesses to make well-informed decisions that keep them ahead of the competition. With Cyferd’s AI suite, businesses can tap into predictive analytics, natural language processing, and machine learning to gain deeper insights and act with precision and benefit from agile application development and deployment.

With the Cyferd Platform, businesses can build applications and workflows in mere minutes and deploy them within days. This agile approach to digital transformation allows companies to adapt rapidly, facilitating innovative development while staying responsive to market dynamics.

Contact tick9 to discover how you can leverage the remarkable capabilities of the Cyferd Platform for your digital transformation journey.